We try to get the best possible people to PAIR. All job offers we have are listed below. If you want to join the team, for a shorter or longer term, there are currently three options:

  1. Come out on top in one of our job searches (current and past offers below);
  2. Come via a PAIR Visiting Fellowship (for more information, please follow the link);
  3. Find your own funding and come with that: If you want to become a member of PAIR with your own funding that you are planning to apply for or have already acquired (e.g. PhD scholarship, Fellowship, Fulbright, Feodor-Lynen-Stipend), please provide us with a CV (including publications) and 3-page exposé so we can decide whether we can support you.

We do not offer unpaid internships or unpaid PhD positions at the moment. (Normally, there are no fees for students in Germany, including PhD students.)

PAIR Visiting Fellowship

More information here:

Current Job Offers

  • (05-2024) Student Research Aid:
    We offer a position for a 40h/month student aid, starting from 1st of October 2024 until 30th of April 2026. Prospective candidates should have a background in philosophy and an affinity with programming, typesetting, or technology. If you are interested, please send an email with the header “PAIR student aid” with a one-page letter of motivation and a CV that allows us to assess your background to by the 1st of September 2024.

Past Job Offers